On December 2, 2019, the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians will sunset the Spinal Immobilization Supine and Seated skill stations on the Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) psychomotor examination.
The AEMT psychomotor examination will now consist of nine skill stations instead of ten, and there will be no change to the examination retest policy
Candidates will still be expected to demonstrate competency by assessing and providing spinal motion restriction during their performance in the Patient Assessment - Trauma and Patient Assessment - Medical psychomotor skill stations.
Candidates will also still be expected to demonstrate competency by assessing and providing spinal motion restriction in the portfolio.
Candidates may also encounter questions related to spinal motion restriction on the cognitive examination.
If you have any questions, please contact our office at (614)888–4484 or email support@nremt.org.
The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians
National Registry Sunsets Spinal Immobilization Skill Station on AEMT Psychomotor Examination
Media Contact:
Shane Cartmill
Communications & Marketing Manager